Thanks to the lockdown, we have experienced a different life....
Otherwise, how would you know the color SKY BLUE exists in SKY
Otherwise, how would you know the birds can chirp even at noon
Otherwise, how would you realise India also has SPRING and BLOOM season
Otherwise, how would you know you can ever be bored of watching Netflix
Otherwise, how would you cook those fancy dishes at home which you always thought of trying
Otherwise, how would you know screentime is such a BOON for working parents
Otherwise, how would you know WORK FOR HOME is more difficult than WORK FROM HOME
Otherwise, how would you know that you could talk to your entire family on ZOOM Meeting at once
Otherwise, how would you know you can actually wash 80% of the groceries you shop with soap
Otherwise, how would you know how important it is to have a porch/foyer to keep the grocery untouched for 1 day
Otherwise, how would you be grateful for the trivial things like house, food and clothes to wear
Otherwise, how would you know that people have bigger issues than EGO issues
Otherwise, how would you know there is a calm in all the clutter in life
Otherwise, how would you know YOU ARE INSIGNIFICANT and world will not stop in your absence
So before the madness RESTARTS,,, time for some REFLECTIONS...
So what is your OTHERWISE??

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