Avani has thousands of stories to tell me all the time once I return from work. One such evening, I returned late from work and she refused to stop her stories. I was trying to patiently listen to her.
Avani: Mom, please take us to the swimming pool now
Mummy: No Avani, its too late. Water will be cold. We cannot go now
Avani: If you don't take us, I will stop talking to you (my usual dialog as no other punishment works with her)
Mummy: (unconsciously a small grin on my face stating how happy I would be if you stop talking for now!) No Avani, not now!!
(She sensed that she has spoken the wrong words and its not helping me change my decision)
Avani: Ok!! If you don't take us, I will NOT STOP TALKING !!
Mummy: Acha.. Acha,, chupkar I will take you!!
Who says only adults understand negative phsycology ?