
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Avani's dose of the day!! Motivation!

Having a free spirited child at home is an amazing feeling. Everyday u learn something from them. But at the same time, handling their tantrums, temperament, moods, likes and dislikes is a mammoth task in itself. The day to day activities are sometimes not so routine with such kids. And no prizes for guessing who in my house is that free soul.

Last Monday, I wake her up in the morning as usual at 6 am. She refuses to get up. After a stern voice, she budges a little.
Mummy: Avani, get up. Be quick. It's Monday and weekend over.
Avani: Why?? (with a big frown) I don't want to go.
Mummy: Going to school is not an option.You have to go to school every day. We had alot of fun over the weekend, so stop complaining and get ready.
Avani: (with lot of earnesty) Mom, tell me what motivation I have to go to school. I have no motivation at all to go to school. It is so boring.
Mummy: (hiding my smile) It's ok. Whatever it is, you have to go to school.

Firstly, at the age of 6 I hardly knew what MOTIVATION stands for. And not having motivation to go to school was out of question. Though Avani enjoys going to school, but as a brat she always cribs about getting ready in the morning.
More than anything else, what amazes me more is the way she puts across her points with logical arguments and data points. I stand dumbstruck with her logics most of the times
And then in the evening I hear a cheerful voice...

Avani: Mummy, I finally have a motivation to go to school now.. we have started practising for Culmination day now.